UPV Sustainability

Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings UPV 2023

No Poverty (SDG 1)





Proportion of students receiving financial aid to attend university because of poverty

Number of students


Year on year change from 2022: 3%

Number of low income students receiving financial aid


Year on year change from 2022: 103,86%

University anti-poverty programmes

Does your university as a body have targets to admit students who fall into the bottom 20% of household income group (or a more tightly defined target) in the country?


Article 3 of the Institution's statutes has Corporate Social Responsibility, where it undertakes to promote equality policies in all areas. The institution has study grants, which finance 100% of enrollment, with additional amounts for maintenance, travel and dining. In its article two it is highlighted that the goals of the institution is to promote equality, guarantee equal opportunities and non-discrimination for any circumstance. .

Does your university as a body have graduation/completion targets for students who fall into the bottom 20% of household income group (or a more tightly defined target) in the country? (domestic)


Article 3 of the Institution's statutes has Corporate Social Responsibility, where it undertakes to promote equality policies in all areas. The institution has study grants, which finance 100% of enrollment, with additional amounts for maintenance, travel and dining. In its article two it is highlighted that the goals of the institution is to promote equality, guarantee equal opportunities and non-discrimination for any circumstance.

Does your university as a body provide support (e.g. food, housing, transportation, legal services) for students from low income families to enable them to complete university?

free, subsidised

We have state aid (Ministry) in addition to that of the Autonomous Community (GVA) and the university itself provides aid for: Social Action, training scholarships, food scholarships, aid scholarships, etc... (http://www.upv .es/entities/SA/becas/392255normalc.html)

Does your university as a body have programmes or initiatives to assist students who fall into the bottom 20% of household income group (or a more tightly defined target) in the country to successfully complete their studies?


We have state aid (Ministry) in addition to that of the Autonomous Community (GVA) and the university itself provides aid for: Social Action, training scholarships, food scholarships, aid scholarships, etc.

Does your university as a body have schemes to support poor students from low or lower- middle income countries (e.g. offering free education, grants)?


We have state aid (Ministry) in addition to that of the Autonomous Community (GVA) and the university itself provides aid for: Social Action, training scholarships, food scholarships, aid scholarships, etc.

Community anti-poverty programmes

Does your university as a body provide assistance in the local community supporting the start-up of financially and socially sustainable businesses through relevant education or resources? (e.g. mentorship programmes, training workshops, access to university facilities)?

Free, paid

IDEAS-UPV, the entrepreneurship unit of the UPV, actively participates in the training of people in situations of unemployment and/or social exclusion both in their local ecosystem. Thus, the UPV collaborates with the Valencia City Council in its Youth Entrepreneurship Itinerary, aimed at people under 30 years of age who are registered in the Youth Guarantee System. It is, therefore, about unemployed people and not integrated into educational or training systems, with the aim of incorporating them into the labor market through entrepreneurship, either showing their own employment, or improving their employability to insert them into the labor market of others.  Additionally, multiple conferences and papers are held with regional and state entities, as shown in the second evidence.

Does your university as a body provide financial assistance to the local community assisting the start-up of financially and socially sustainable businesses?


IDEAS-UPV, the entrepreneurship unit of the UPV, actively participates in the training of people in situations of unemployment and/or social exclusion both in their local ecosystem.

Does your university as a body organise training or programmes to improve access to basic services for all?

directly, indirectly

Through development cooperation programs. Also noteworthy is the support provided through the Summer School by providing scholarships for children from families with high rates of poverty and exclusion to attend the Summer School.

Does your university as a body participate in policy making at local, regional, national and/or global level to implement programmes and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions?


Participates in the Municipal Cooperation Council, the Generalitat Valenciana Cooperation Council and the Development Cooperation Council at state level

Zero Hunger (SDG 2)





Campus Food Waste

Does your university as a body measure the amount of food waste generated from food served within the university? If food provision is outsourced this will include requiring this data to be tracked.


Student Hunger

Does your university as a body have a program in place on student food insecurity/hunger?


The university has a canteen scholarship, intended for students with a level of resources. Additionally, it has a "never solidarity" program where establishments deposit menus at zero cost.

Does your university as a body provide interventions to prevent or alleviate hunger among students and staff? (e.g. including supply and access to food banks/pantries)


Among others, the UPV collaborates with entities such as the Red Cross of Valencia, the NGO Mano Amiga, the Vivir Project, the Barrio de la Coma Social Association, the Casa Grande, the Barrio de Torrefiel, the Association of Solidarity People, the Xaloc Russafa Association, Urban Mission, the Santa Isabel Cuna, the Valvanera Association, the Alanna Association, the Soñar Despierto Foundation, the Dasyc Foundation, the Santiago Apóstol School and the Evangelical Church from the Orriols neighbourhood, through the Islamic Center of Valencia.

Does your university as a body provide sustainable food choices for all on campus, including vegetarian and vegan food?

All food outlets

Cafeteria and restaurant concessions must offer vegetarian menu as a condition in the contract. In the second link we show the conditions of the contract where the vegetarian and vegan menu is mandatory in order to carry out the activity at the university

Does your university as a body provide healthy and affordable food choices for all on campus?

All food outlets. Selected food outlets

In the concessions these premises are offered in a very rigorous way, additionally the university has an agroecological market with local products every week of the year.

Proportion of graduates in agriculture and aquaculture including sustainability aspects

Number of graduates


Year on year change from 2022: -7%

Number of graduates from agriculture and aquaculture courses including sustainability aspects


Year on year change from 2022: 535%

National Hunger

Does your university as a body provide access on food security and sustainable agriculture and aquaculture knowledge, skills or technology to local farmers and food producers?

Free, paid

The UPV provides hundreds of courses associated with food technology, agriculture. We attach a sample of them. Courses that, depending on the dedication, have or do not have a cost. There are zero cost (conferences and seminars) and courses of up to 300 hours.

Does your university as a body provide events for local farmers and food producers to connect and transfer knowledge?


It not only provides training to them but also organizes a weekly event for the sale and distribution of said products. Having a great reception in the institution.

Does your university as a body provide access to university facilities (e.g. labs, technology, plant stocks) to local farmers and food producers to improve sustainable farming practices?

Free, paid

Does your university as a body prioritise purchase of products from local, sustainable sources?


All the contract specifications carry the requirement of the proximity of the product. .

Good Health and Wellbeing (SDG 3)





Number of students graduating in health professions

Number of graduates


Year on year change from 2022: -7%

Number of graduates in health professions


Year on year change from 2022: 21%

Collaborations and health services

Does your university as a body have current collaborations with local, national or global health institutions to improve health & wellbeing outcomes?

local collaborations

The UPV collaborates very actively in top-level national health institutions

Does your university as a body deliver outreach programmes and projects in the local community (which can include student volunteering programmes) to improve or promote health & wellbeing including hygiene, nutrition, family planning, sports, exercise, aging well, and other health and wellbeing related topics?

Local communities, disadvantaged people, Refugee or immigrant communities

Does your university as a body share sports facilities with the local community, for instance with local schools or with the general public?

With free access to some facilities

Does your university as a body provide students access to sexual and reproductive health-care services including information and education services?


The medical office participates every year in AIDS campaigns.

Does your university as a body provide students and staff with access to mental health support?

Active promotion of good mental health, - access to free mental health support

Does your university as a body have a "smoke-free" policy?

Smoking free campus

In point 11 of the schools it is reported that smoking is not allowed inside or outside any university facility.
Policy created: 2017
Policy reviewed: 2021

Quality Education (SDG 4)





Proportion of graduates with teaching qualification

Number of graduates


Year on year change from 2022: -7%

Number of graduates who gained a qualification that entitled them to teach at primary school level


Year on year change from 2022: -7%

Lifelong learning measures

Does your university as a body provide free access to educational resources for those not studying at the university, e.g. computers, library, online courses, access to lectures, etc?

Free courses leading to certificate, free access to campus facilties and equipment, free access to online resources

With the following actions -Donations of computer equipment and classroom material, through the Social Action office, through donation agreements -Donations of School Material and Books, through Material Collection and Social Awareness Campaigns. https://www.upv.es/entidades/vacts/area-de-accion-social/ -C Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): one hundred courses produced and published openly on the www.upvx.es platform itself and on the edX global platform channel (https://www.edx.org/es/school/upvalenciax) with more than 2,000,000 registrations worldwide. -Recording of lectures, debates, etc. and open publication on video server (https://media.upv.es/#/portal) and Youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/valenciaupv) con 200.000 suscriptores.

Does your university as a body host events at university that are open to the general public: public lectures, community educational events?

On programmed basis

Through different activities Volunteering Fair Social Innovation Forum Sign Language Course Une-T volunteer day and entities TEDxUPValència.

Does your university as a body educational host events at university that are open to the general public: executive education programmes (this refers to short courses for people who are not attending the university; this specifically excludes courses like MBA) and/or vocational training?

Ad-hoc, on programmed basis

Does your university as a body undertake educational outreach activities (e.g. tailored lectures or demonstrations) beyond campus, e.g. in local schools, in the community, including voluntary student-run schemes?

Ad-hoc, on programmed basis

Does your university as a body have a policy that ensures that access to these activities is accessible to all, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, immigration status or gender?


the UPV guarantees access with equal criteria. Based on the statutes and internal policies.

Policy created: 2011
Policy reviewed: 2018

Proportion of first-generation students

Number of students


Year on year change from 2022: 3%

Number of students starting a degree


Year on year change from 2022: 1%

Number of first-generation students starting a degree


Year on year change from 2022: 1%

Gender Equality (SDG 5)





Proportion of first-generation female students

Number of students


Year on year change from 2022: 3%

Number of students starting a degree


Year on year change from 2022: 1%

Number of first-generation students starting degree


Year on year change from 2022:: 1%

Number of women starting a degree


Year on year change from 2022: 1%

Number of first-generation women starting a degree


Year on year change from 2022: 0%

Student access measures

Does your university as a body systematically  measure/track women's application rate and acceptance or entry rate?


It is reported from: Information System of the Valencian Public Universities and Transparency Portal UPV

Does your university as a body have a policy (e.g. an Access and Participation plan) addressing women's applications, acceptance/entry, and participation at the university?


Does your university as a body provide women's access schemes (e.g. mentoring, scholarships, or other provisions)?

Mentoring, scholarships, other provisions

The Comprehensive Student Support Plan, PIAE+, is considered, although it includes all students. In the same sense, PATU, University Tutorial Action Plan,

Does your university as a body encourage applications by women in subjects where they are underrepresented?

Through university outreach, through collaboration with other universities and/or community groups and/or government and/or NGOs in regional or national campaigns

Proportion of senior female academics

Number of employees


Year on year change from 2022: 2%

Number of academic staff


Year on year change from 2022: 2%

Number of senior academic staff


Year on year change from 2022: 2%

Number of female senior academic staff


Year on year change from 2022: 3%

Proportion of women receiving degrees

  • Number of graduates

  • Number of graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts&Humanities/Social Sciences): Total

  • Number of graduates: STEM

  • Number of graduates: Medicine

  • Number of graduates: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences

  • 5368

  • 5368

  • 3620

  • 124

  • 1624

  • Year on year change from 2022: -7%

  • Year on year change from 2022: 1%

  • Year on year change from 2022: -3%

  • Year on year change from 2022: 11%

  • Year on year change from 2022: -16%

  • Number of female graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences): Total

  • Number of female graduates: STEM

  • Number of female graduates: Medicine

  • Number of female graduates: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences

  • 2147

  • 1133

  • 73

  • 941

  • Year on year change from 2022: -9%

  • Year on year change from 2022: -2%

  • Year on year change from 2022: 26%

  • Year on year change from 2022: -19%

Women’s progress measures

Does your university as a body have a policy of non discrimination against women?


The Universitat Politècnica de València, taking note of the institutional commitment towards the value of corporate social responsibility as well as the legal requirements of the modifications introduced by the Organic Law for the effective equality for women and men in the field of higher education, creates the Equality Unit for the promotion of the effective development of the principle of equal opportunities through equal treatment and non-discrimination policies.
Policy created: 2011
Policy reviewed: 2021

Does your university as a body have a policy of non- discrimination for transgender people?


Policy created: 2017
Policy reviewed: 2020

Does your university as a body have a maternity and paternity policies that support
women's participation?


UPV staff conciliation plan

Policy created:  2015
Policy reviewed: 2022

Does your university as a body have accessible childcare facilities for students which allow recent mothers to attend university courses?


Does your university as a body have childcare facilities for staff and faculty?


Does your university as a body have women's mentoring schemes, in which at least 10% of
female students participate?


Does your university as a body have measurement/tracking of women's likelihood of graduating compared to men's, and schemes in place to close any gap?


Does your university as a body have a policy that protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage?


Policy created: 2012
Policy reviewed: 2020

Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6)





Water consumption per person

Does your university as a body measure the total volume of water used in the university that is taken from mains supply, desalinated, or extracted from rivers, lakes, or acquifers?

Whole university

Volume of water used in the university: Inbound (treated/extracted water)


Year on year change from 2022: -100%

Campus population


Year on year change from 2022: 3%

Water usage and care

Does your university as a body have a process in place to treat waste water?


There is a sewage treatment plant to treat the waste water generated on the farms.

Does your university as a body have processes to prevent polluted water entering the water system, including pollution caused by accidents and incidents at the university?


It has a Protocol for the Action of Environmental Emergencies with prevention, containment and correction measures. This information is public and is disseminated through the UPV's Environment Unit website

Does your university as a body provide free drinking water for students, staff and visitors,
e.g. drinking water fountains)?


Does your university as a body apply building standards to minimise water use? (relevant
standards to be indicated)


HS 4 Suministro de Agua del Código Técnico de la Edificación.

Does your university as a body plant  landscapes to minimise water usage? (e.g.
use drought-tolerant plants)


On the Valencia campus there is a rockery with plant species adapted to the Mediterranean climate, while the Gandia campus has a micro-reserve with endemic plant species, also characteristic of the Mediterranean climate.

Water reuse

Does your university as a body have a policy to maximise water reuse across the university?


Policy created: 2009
Policy reviewed: 2016

Does your university as a body measure the reuse of water across the university?


Water in the community

Does your university as a body provide educational opportunities for local communities to learn about good water management?

Free, paid

Does your university as a body actively promote conscious water usage on campus, and in the wider community?

On campus, wider community

Does your university as a body support water conservation off campus?


Does your university as a body, where water is extracted (for example from aquifers, lakes or rivers), utilise sustainable water extraction technologies on associated university grounds on and off campus?


Does your university as a body cooperate with local, regional, national or global governments
on water security?

Local, regional, national, global

Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7)





University measures towards affordable and clean energy

Does your university as a body have a policy in place for ensuring all renovations / new builds are following energy efficiency standards? (relevant standards to be indicated)


Policy created: 2009
Policy reviewed: 2016

Does your university as a body have plans to upgrade existing buildings to higher energy


€ 2,000,000 are invested annually in improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings, which are used for changes in more efficient climate equipment, changes in lighting (Led) and the improvement and implementation of intelligent management systems in buildings.

Does your university as a body have a process for carbon management and reducing carbon
dioxide emissions?


The Strategic Plan of the UPV 2015-2020 includes the objective of being an organization capable of measuring, reducing and disseminating its carbon footprint through the methodological development for calculating the Footprint, its application and the establishment of annual objectives. Based on this commitment, the UPV registers its carbon footprint according to Royal Decree 163/2014, of March 14, which creates the registry of carbon footprint, compensation and carbon dioxide absorption projects

Does your university as a body have an energy efficiency plan in place to reduce
overall energy consumption?


It is included in the annual Environmental Plan

Does your university as a body undergo energy reviews to identify areas where energy wastage is highest?


Consumption is analyzed to establish the consumption baseline. If consumption is observed higher than the baseline, it is investigated why it is due. Meetings are held annually with building managers to analyze consumption and establish improvements to minimize energy waste

Does your university as a body have a policy on divesting investments from carbon- intensive energy industries especially coal and oil?


Energy use density

Total energy used


Year on year change from 2022: 46%

University floor space


Year on year change from 2022: -23%

Energy and the community

Does your university as a body provide programmes for local community to learn about importance of energy efficiency and clean energy?


Does your university as a body promote a public pledge toward 100% renewable energy (petitions, meetings, discussions, events) beyond the university?


Does your university as a body provide direct services to local industry aimed at improving energy efficiency and clean energy (energy efficiency assessments, workshops, research renewable energy options)

Free, paid

The research structures offer the following R&D Services to local industry dedicated to improving energy efficiency and the use of clean energy. All schools have programs, training courses and degrees focused on this area. In the permanent training center, an entity of the UPV, in 2020 there are more than 400 courses for this purpose.

Does your university as a body inform and support government in clean energy and energy-efficient technology policy development?

Local, regional, national

The UPV is part of the Committee for the Study of Climate Change of the Valencian Community. This was established on May 12, 2011, and serves as a knowledge bank on mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and the impact that climate change can have on our territory, with the aim of making adaptation decisions with the sufficient scientific and technical basis

Does your university as a body provide assistance for start-ups that foster and support a low-carbon economy / technology?


The UPV is related to the following spin off: KERIONICS, MicroBioTech

Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8)





Employment practice

Does your university as a body pay all staff and faculty at least the living wage, defined as the local living wage (if government defines this) or the local poverty indicator for a family of four (expressed as an hourly wage)?


Attached to the salary template of the institution by group. Additionally, it has in the attached budget the personnel table with the valued salary (valued RPT) highlight that it does not have additional complements. All of them exceed what is established by law.

Does your university as a body recognise unions & labour rights (freedom of association & collective bargaining) for all, including women & international staff?


The UPV recognizes unions and defends them, contemplating itself at the statutory level and playing a fundamental role in the institution. I attach evidence.

Does your university as a body have a policy on ending discrimination in the workplace (including discrimination based on religion, sexuality, gender, age)?


Every policy is one of equality, not discrimination As specified in all SDG 5 policies

Policy created: 2012
Policy reviewed: 2021

Does your university as a body have a policy commitment against forced labour, modern
slavery, human trafficking, and child labour?


The UPV has a commitment both in its institution and with its suppliers. As specified

by the law on the matter.

Policy created: 1968
Policy reviewed: 2021

Does your university as a body have a policy on guaranteeing equivalent rights of workers
when outsourcing activities to third parties?


The UPV has systems and instruments to control, through the contracting service, that workers and subcontracted companies comply with the guarantees and legal standards regulated by law.

Policy created: 2011
Policy reviewed: 2021

Does your university as a body have a policy on pay scale equity including a commitment to measurement and elimination of gender pay gaps?


The UPV participates in studies to control the gender gap. The remuneration table is published by position, without affecting at any time the gender condition being differentiated. It is governed by the civil service scale system of the Spanish state and salaries are established by law without affecting gender in any of its aspects.

Policy created: 2010
Policy reviewed: 2021

Does your university as a body measure / track pay scale gender equity?


The UPV monitors gender equity on a salary scale, the gender salary gap with the Ministry at the national level and is part of the analyzed population.

Does your university as a body have a process for employees to appeal on employee rights and/or pay?


The UPV has at the service of the employee the HR service for the management of incidents, the figure of the university defender and the unions for said management, additionally the list of jobs is stipulated by position and is subject to public competition. Stipulated by the law of the public official that governs the matter.

Expenditure per employee

Number of employees


Year on year change from 2022: 2%

Number of academic staff


Year on year change from 2022: 2%

University expenditure


Year on year change from 2022: 7%

Proportion of students taking work placements

Number of students


Year on year change from 2022: 5%

Number of students with work placements for more than a month


Year on year change from 2022: 141%

Proportion of employees on secure contracts

Number of employees


Year on year change from 2022: 2%

Number of employees on contracts of over 24 months


Year on year change from 2022: 2%

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9)





University spin offs

Number of university spin-offs


Year on year change from 2022: 6%

Research income from industry and commerce

Research income from industry and commerce: Total


Year on year change from 2022: 22%

Research income from industry and comerce by subject area: STEM


Year on year change from 2022: 28%

Research income from industry and comerce by subject area: Medicine


Year on year change from 2022:: 10%

Research income from industry and comerce by subject area: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences 


Year on year change from 2022: 65%

Number of academic staff


Year on year change from 2022:: 2%

Number of academic staff by subject area: STEM


Year on year change from 2022: 13%

Number of academic staff by subject area: Medicine


Year on year change from 2022:: -4%

Number of academic staff by subject area: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences


Year on year change from 2022: -17%

Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12)





Operational measures

Does your university as a body have a policy  on ethical sourcing of food and supplies?


The Environmental Policy expresses, in a general way, its commitment to social responsibility and environmental sustainability through the concrete commitment, among others, to know, evaluate and minimize all the environmental impacts derived from its activities, in order to control , to prevent and reduce the adverse ones, and, to promote and spread the positive ones. This policy is disseminated, both through the posters arranged by the different spaces of the UPV, and through the following link.

Policy created:  2009 
Policy reviewed:  2016 

Does your university as a body have a policy, process or practice on waste disposal - Covering  hazardous materials?


Policy created:  2009 
Policy reviewed:  2016 

Does your university as a body have a policy  on waste disposal - To measure the amount of waste sent to landfill and recycled?


Policy created:  2009 
Policy reviewed:  2016 

Does your university as a body have policies around use minimisation - Of plastic?


Policy created:  2009 
Policy reviewed:  2016

Does your university as a body have policies around use minimisation - Of disposable items?


Policy created:  2009 
Policy reviewed:  2016

Do these policies extend to outsourced services and the supply chain?


Through the inclusion of environmental criteria in public procurement and contracting processes and environmental control of external companies. In the corresponding link you can see, in a generic way, what we ask of the companies that work for the UPV in order to promote responsible consumption.

File uploaded: UPV.MA-P.21-UPV-12.pdf

Do these policies extend to outsourced suppliers and the supply chain - (suppliers of equipment, stationary, building contracts)?


Through the inclusion of environmental criteria in public procurement and contracting processes and environmental control of external companies.

File uploaded: UPV.MA-P.39-UPV-14.pdf

Proportion of recycled waste

Does your university as a body measure the amount of waste generated and recycled
across the university?

Whole university

Amount of waste generated


Year on year change from 2022: 25%

Amount of waste recycled


Year on year change from 2022: 25%

Amount of waste sent to landfill


Year on year change from 2022:: NaN%

Publication of sustainability report

Publication of sustainability report


Climate Action (SDG 13)





Low carbon energy use

Does your university as a body measure the amount of low carbon energy used across the university?

Whole university

The UPV, the first and only Spanish university with the EMAS seal.

Total energy used


Year on year change from 2022: 46%

Total energy used from low-carbon sources


Year on year change from 2022: 46%

Environmental education measures

Does your university as a body provide local education programmes or campaigns on climate change risks, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning?


Does your university as a body have a university Climate Action plan, shared with local government and/or local community groups?


Does your university as a body participate in co-operative planning for climate change disasters, that may include the displacement of people both within a country and across borders,working with government?

Local, regional

Does your university as a body inform and support local or regional government in local climate change disaster/risk early warning and monitoring?


Does your university as a body collaborate with NGOs on climate adaptation?


Commitment to carbon neutral university

Does your university as a body have a target date by which it will become carbon neutral according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocols?

scope 1, scope 1 and 2, scope 1, 2, and 3  (partial)

At the UPV, the environmental impact of the mobility of the university community is calculated.

Achieve by: 2030
Year on year change from 2022: -1%

Partnership for the Goals (SDG 17)





Relationships to support the goals

Does your university have direct involvement in, or input into, national government or regional nongovernment organisations SDG policy development - including identifying problems and challenges, developing policies and strategies, modelling likely futures with and without interventions, monitoring and reporting on interventions, and enabling adaptive management?


The UPV is participating in the process of drawing up the law of the Master Plan for Spanish Cooperation linked to the SDGs. This is linked to the preparation of the Cooperation Law linked to the 2030 Agenda. The UPV, during the 20-21 academic year, has participated through Crue in the development of the Law that is currently undergoing parliamentary proceedings. https://www.upv.es/entidades/vcampus/2022/0 6/06/reunion-crue-sostenibilidad/

Does your university as a body initiate and participate in cross-sectoral dialogue about the SDGs, e.g. conferences involving government/NGOs?


Every year, the Valencian public universities promote dialogue on the SDGs at the University of Tardor. In this space, there are local governments, universities and NGOs. Additionally, he is on the CRUE commission in the 2030 Agenda.. https://www.crue.org/integrantes-agenda-2030-comision/

Does your university as a body participate in international collaboration on gathering or measuring data for the SDGs?


articipates in the preparation of all the reports of the Commission for the Crue 2030 Agenda. at the state level and with international collaboration.

Does your university as a body, through international collaboration and research, review comparative approaches and develop international best practice on tackling the SDGs?


Every academic year the UPV has a call to promote, among other things, research and international collaboration to contribute to development within the framework of the SDGs. Numerous projects are carried out as can be seen in the compilation publication

Does your university as a body collaborate with NGOs to tackle the SDGs through:


La UPV dispone de numerosos recursos para abordar los ODS a través de la formación de los futuros titulados. También los vinculados al profesorado a través de diferentes programas.

Publication of SDG reports

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG1

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs. See in the evidences

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG2

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs. See in the evidences

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG3

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs.

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG4

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs.

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG5

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs.

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG6

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs.

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG7

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG8

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs.

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG9 

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs.

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG10

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs.

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG11

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs..

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG12

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs.

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG13

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs.

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG14

Overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs.http://www.upv.es/entidades/CCD/infoweb/ccd/ info/informe_ods_upv.pdf.

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG15

overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs. http://www.upv.es/entidades/CCD/infoweb/ccd/ info/informe_ods_upv.pdf.

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG16

overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs. http://www.upv.es/entidades/CCD/infoweb/ccd/ info/informe_ods_upv.pdf
Highlight that support is currently being provided to Ukrainian refugees. That they are being enrolled in nursery school and adhering to the course programs.

Please indicate if your university publishes progress against SDG17

overall report, separate report

The UPV monitors the evolution of the SDGs. With a system of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Periodically prepares the study with said follow-up. Being the first at the national level to have this type of detailed follow-up for the set of SDGs.
http://www.upv.es/entidades/CCD/infoweb/ccd/ info/informe_ods_upv.pdf

Education for the SDGs

Does your university as a body have a commitment to meaningful education around the SDGs across the university, that is relevant and applicable to all students?

integrated across full curriculum, mandatory education for all, optional education for all

At the institutional level, all the works must be classified in the SDGs linked to it for their subsequent publication and exploitation. Additionally, ICE provides a multitude of courses for the institution's staff.

Does your university as a body have dedicated courses (full degrees, or electives) that address sustainability and the SDGs? ?


All degrees are completed with training on the related SDGs.

Does your university as body have dedicated outreach educational activities for the wider community, which could include alumni, local residents, displaced people?

Alumni, local community

The UPV has both educational activities such as the GLOCAL program and training aimed at working on the SDGs in a particular way